Pd Webring


Data Structures

Understanding Data Structures in Pd is not easy. Data Structures are quite complex, which makes their theory and operation somewhat mysterious while fiddling around in the example Pd patches. Finding help with understanding Data Structures in Pd has been a real challenge for me. I finally started getting it after reading this tutorial by Frank Barknecht <>

  data_structures_tutorial.tar.gz 24k 44k

I'm offering it here as a local download because it's not on his site! It could use some editing, but I don't care. Perhaps us readers will take on the task of refining this invaluable guide.



alindx is a a distortion unit which does not just clip. Instead it runs the signal through an exponential function. The patch is derived from the help example E06.Exponential.pd. It's way better than the example though, and pretty good sounding to. One of the coolest features of alindx is that when you increase the distortion level the volume stays the same.

  alindx-0.1.tar.gz 3.1k 3.4k


freeverb is an external object provided by Olaf Matthes <> which implements the Schroeder/Moorer reverb model. free-verb is an abstraction that I wrote which offers an accessable interface to the IO and variables of Olaf's object. the patch works alright, though I haven't had the chance to fully test it. Enjoy.

  free-verb_0.1.tar.gz 976 1.3k


mbass is a is a feature rich analogue modeled bass drum synthesizer, with exponential envelopes, distortion, a trigger synced LFO, and many other cool features. Check it out at the parent website.

Thu Mar 23 17:38:57 MST 2006 --- Tristan Chambers <polytristan at the domain of gmail tld com>