Welcome! to the home of mbass

mbass is a feature rich analogue modeled bass drum synthesizer written for Pd, aka Pure Data. If you are unfamilar with Pd check out the Pd community website puredata.info. Pure Data is an object orient real-time music and multimedia environment, so versitile that it will wet your mother's knees.

mbass features a nonlinear distortion filter, with level compensation; a trigger synced FM LFO with dual polarity modulation control; and two independent exponential envelopes with tight attack times.

Written with entirely native objects, the mbass object may be used on any platform running a stock installation of PD, so there is no need to compile sketchy externals that come with broken make files; just click and go.

Though mbass is beta (v.03) it is fully functional, and sounds pretty damn good to.

Mon Mar 20 03:22:10 MST 2006 polytristan at the domain of gmail tld com

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